Kokkola Industrial Park - KIP

The largest inorganic chemical industry ecosystem in Northern Europe


Kokkola In­dus­trial Park (KIP) is North­ern Eu­rope’s largest ecosys­tem of in­or­ganic chem­i­cal in­dus­try, where sev­eral com­pa­nies lead­ing in the chem­i­cal and metal pro­cess­ing in­dus­tries op­er­ate. In the Park, there are 16 in­dus­trial / man­u­fac­tur­ing com­pa­nies and over 60 ser­vice com­pa­nies, which sup­port the core func­tions of in­dus­trial com­pa­nies. Com­pa­nies em­ploy 2 400 peo­ple di­rectly. Kokkola has grown into a strong chem­i­cal ecosys­tem and an ac­cu­mu­la­tion of global busi­nesses. Com­pe­tence is re­flected both in the process know-how of the In­dus­trial Park and in the focus on train­ing and high-level re­search.


Kokkola In­dus­trial Park’s size is 700 hectares, thus nearly 1 000 foot­ball fields big in­dus­trial zone. The area can ac­com­mo­date nu­mer­ous op­er­a­tors, the ser­vice of­fer­ing is high-qual­ity and ver­sa­tile. In KIP’s area, every­thing is ready: good roads, rail­ways, busi­ness premises, land plots, pipe bridges, fiber con­nec­tions, sew­er­age as well as a gen­er­ous se­lec­tion of other ser­vices and com­modi­ties needed by the in­dus­try from sea­wa­ter to sul­fu­ric acid and hy­dro­gen. More­over, a pro­fes­sional fac­tory fire brigade and cen­tral­ized se­cu­rity en­sure the proper man­age­ment of safety is­sues in the Kokkola In­dus­trial Park.

Next to the Park, Fin­land´s biggest cargo port, Fin­land´s biggest tran­sit port and Fin­land´s third biggest gen­eral port, the Port of Kokkola, is lo­cated. In the Port, there is a cov­ered All Weather Ter­mi­nal (AWT), the only one in the Nordic coun­tries. The 14 me­tres deep fair­way to Kokkola is now in use. 


In Kokkola In­dus­trial Park cir­cu­lar econ­omy’s and in­dus­try’s sym­bio­sis has been com­mon for decades. Say­ing “one man’s trash is an­other man’s trea­sure” has been re­al­ized lit­er­ally in the Park. In­dus­trial com­pa­nies in the Park im­ple­ment the syn­ergy be­tween the com­pany’s pro­duc­tion process and the fur­ther pro­cess­ing of by-prod­ucts aris­ing there­from. Thus, ma­te­r­ial and en­ergy flows be­come more ef­fi­cient and the amount of process waste can be sig­nif­i­cantly re­duced. New ways of think­ing are con­stantly being con­sid­ered to pro­mote and im­ple­ment more ef­fi­cient cir­cu­lar econ­omy. Kokkola In­dus­trial Park is con­sid­ered to be the pi­o­neer of the cir­cu­lar econ­omy in Fin­land and through­out Eu­rope. KIP is in­volved in, among oth­ers, a na­tional eco-in­dus­trial park net­work pro­ject founded by Sitra.

~80 companies

2 400 employees

600 ships yearly